BINA & PLATFORM OF FUTURE ARCHITECTURE / Urban talks / May – October 2020

Program Creative Europe 2018/2021

Urban Talk 4
Global-local challenges in Architecture

Tuesday, October 06th, 2020 at 6 PM
Online here 
Duration: 120min
Language: English

Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) London /GB/ (FA guest)


Vojislav Kavrešan, Isobillboard, Niš /RS/  

Hadži Ivan Redi, architect, Niš /RS/

The topic is addressing the problem of climate change and other global environmental issues. How architects and individuals within architecture and related built environment professions are taking action to address the twin crises of climate and ecological breakdown.

The discussion will be in line with the aims of ACAN network (,, addressing topics of circular economy, decarbonization, ecological regeneration, and cultural transformation.

BINA ( is realizing this Panel in cooperation with Deli space from Nis (

Cover photo: BINA2019, Performance – Plastic has no frontiers, Basurama and Ida-Marie Corell

The BINA Future Architecture Lecture Series – URBAN TALKS are organized in cooperation with five active scientific, cultural centers, co-working, and start-up hubs. The idea is to encourage a wide discussion on the topics related to the future of the environment, urban areas, and architecture based on inspirational and provocative lectures/talks held by emerging professionals from the Future Architecture 2020 Call for Ideas. 

The Future Architecture Platform brings together 26 institutions and organizations from 22 European countries with the intention of presenting visions of future architecture from the perspective of a generation of professionals just entering the scene and are going to be responsible for the future of the built environment we will live in. The purpose of the platform is to present the work of selected authors in as many countries as possible, and by doing so to establish new contacts and forms of cooperation with the selected authors and between organizations, members of the platform.

Within The Future Architecture The platform,   the exhibition Belgrade Energy Spots – BINA 2016 has been dealing with neuralgic points of the city of Belgrade, trying to map places that need new energy and purpose. Belgrade Outskirts – Envision Future  – BINA 2017 Conference focuses on the future of Belgrade rural municipalities. With BUS STOP FACELIFT – BINA 2018 we go a step further, from general to specific and we choose one suburb – LEDINE to realize the reconstruction of the existing bus stops. Urban Talks – BINA 2020 is organizing 5 independent talks about the city, in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Niš.

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BINA & PLATFORMA BUDUĆNOST ARHITEKTURE / Razgovori o gradu – Urban Talks / Maj – Oktobar 2020

Program Kreativna Evropa (2018/2021)

Urban Talk 4
Globalno lokalni izazovi u Arhitekturi

Utorak, 06.10.2020.u 18h
Online na ovom linku.
Trajanje: 120min
Jezik: engleski

Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) London /GB/ (FA gost)


Vojislav Kavrešan, Isobillboard, Niš /RS/  

Hadži Ivan Redi, architect, Niš /RS/

Učesnici panela će diskutovati o klimatskim promenama i drugim globalnim pitanjima životne sredine.  

Kako arhitekte i pojedinci u arhitekturi i srodnim profesijama građenog okruženja preduzimaju mere radi suočavanja sa dvostrukom krizom, klimatskog i ekološkog sloma?  Diskusija će biti u skladu sa ciljevima mreže ACAN (, obrađujući teme cirkularne ekonomije, dekarbonizacije, ekološke regeneracije i kulturne transformacija.  O ovim i sličnim temama razgovaraćemo tokom četvrtog interaktivnog razgovora Urban Talk 4. Ovaj razgovor BINA ( realizuje u saradnji sa Deli prostorom iz Niša (

Cover foto: BINA2019, Performans – Plastika nema granice, Basurama and Ida-Marie Corell

Serija predavanja BINA o budućoj arhitekturi – URBANI RAZGOVORI organizuju se u saradnji sa pet aktivnih naučnih, kulturnih centara, saradničkih i start-up čvorišta. Ideja je da se podstakne široka diskusija o temama vezanim za budućnost životne sredine, urbanih prostora i arhitekture kroz inspirativna i provokativna predavanjima / razgovore koje će održali profesionalci u usponu selektovani na Konkursu za ideje, Budućnost arhitekture 2020.

Platforma „Budućnost arhitekture“okuplјa 26 institucija i organizacija iz 22 evropske zemalјe, sa namerom da predstavi vizije budućnosti arhitekture iz perspective generacije profesionalaca  koji tek stupaju na scenu i koji će biti odgovorni za budućnost građene sredine u kojoj ćemo živeti.  Namera  platform  je da  rad izabranih autora predstavi u što većem broju zemalјa i tako omogući uspostavlјanje novih kontakata i oblika saradnje sa izabranim autorima i između organizacija-članica platforme.

U okviru platform „Budućnost arhitekture“, Izložba EnergetsketačkeBeograda – BINA 2016 se bavila neuralgičnim tačkama grada Beograda, pokušavajući  da  mapira mesta kojima su potrebne nova energija i namena. Konferencija Predgrađa Beograda  – Zamisli budućnost – BINA 2017  u fokusu je  imala budućnost rubnih opština Beograda. BUS STOP FACELIFT – BINA 2018, ide korak dalјe, od opšteg ka posebnom, i bira  se jedno predgrađe – LEDINE i realizuje rekonstrukcija postojećih austobuskih stajališta. Urban TalksBINA 2020 organizuje 5 nezavisnih razgovora o gradu,  u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Nišu.

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